Meet the Safety Essentials Suite

The Comprehensive Safety
Training Library

Specialized courses designed to build upon your safety knowledge.

LENGTH: ~30 Minutes / Course

Course Overview

The Safety Essentials Elements Library provides awareness level training across various topics in alignment with the respective OSHA 1910 and OSHA 1926 standard. Each course is approximately 30 minutes in length, and continues the same adult learning techniques utilized in Safety Essentials and Safety Essentials Enhancer.

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Safety Essentials Elements are offered at a growing network of safety councils and training centers across the nation.

Asbestos Awareness [SE-ASBT]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Asbestos Awareness (SE-ASBT) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of asbestos hazards and safe work practices. By the end of the training, learners will understand the hazards of asbestos, how to avoid asbestos-containing materials, and the importance of proper handling and remediation. Additionally, learners will gain knowledge about asbestos-related diseases and the importance of exposure control programs to ensure their safety and the safety of others in the workplace.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of Asbestos
  • • Regulations and Terminology
  • • Asbestos Management and Exposure Control

Asbestos Awareness

Basic Gas Monitoring [SE-GAS]

Safety Essentials Basic Gas Monitoring (SE-BGM) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the purpose of multi-gas monitoring equipment, the importance of calibration, and proper equipment use. The course includes a discussion of chemical vapor density and the need to monitor air quality at each atmospheric level to ensure acceptable limits prior to human entry. Employers can build on this training with hands-on practice to familiarize learners with specific multi-gas units.

Topics covered:

  • • Atmospheric Hazards
  • • Sensors and Calibration
  • • Atmospheric Monitoring
  • •Cleaning and Storage

Basic Gas Monitoring

Basic Rigging [SE-RIG]

Safety Essentials Elements Basic Rigging (SE-RIG) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on basic concepts of safe lifting, including proper equipment, rigging configurations, hand signals, and safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Basic Concepts of Safe Lifting
  • • Sling Types and Inspections
  • • Hardware and Usage
  • • Configurations and Loads
  • • Types of Hitches
  • • Hand Signals
  • • Safety Tips

Basic Rigging

Benzene Awareness [SE-BENZ]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Benzene Awareness (SE-BENZ) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with benzene and equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent benzene exposure. By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify potential sources of benzene and understand benzene health risks. Additionally, learners will be familiarized with the importance of safe work practices in benzene-related environments.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of Benzene
  • • Hazards of Benzene
  • • Benzene Regulations and Precautions

Benzene Awareness

Bloodborne Pathogens [SE-BBP]

Safety Essentials Bloodborne Pathogens (SE-BBP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the dangers of bloodborne pathogens, areas with increased infection potential, and methods to prevent exposure.

Topics covered:

    • • Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
    • • Exposure Control
    • • The Pathogens
    • • Reporting and Vaccinations

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bottle Watch [SE-BWTC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Elements Bottle Watch (SE-BWTC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the responsibilities and importance of attendant duties and procedures. Learners will be familiarized with breathing air system designs and components, and be informed of how to perform equipment inspections.

Topics covered:

  • • Attendant Responsibilities
  • • System Design and Components
  • • Pre-use and Pressure Inspections
  • • Attendant Procedures

Bottle Watch

Cold Stress Awareness [SE-COLD]

Safety Essentials Cold Stress Awareness (SE-COLD) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on cold stress and how it can be prevented with proper preparedness. The course includes discussion of cold weather and environments and potential hazards when working with certain chemicals. Employers can build on this training with specific procedures relating to tasks that may put workers at risk of cold stress.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction to Cold Stress
  • • Heat Loss
  • • Cold Stress Illnesses
  • • Leading Factors
  • • Prevention and Control Methods

Cold Stress Awareness

Compressed Gas Cylinders [SE-CGCY]

Safety Essentials Elements Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (SE-CGCY) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the physical and chemical hazards you may encounter when working with or around compressed gas cylinders. Learners will be familiarized with the different components of a compressed gas system, inspections, and the safe transport and storage of cylinders.

Topics covered:

  • • Physical and Chemical Hazards
  • • Components and Inspection
  • • Handling and Storage

Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

Confined Space [SE-CS]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Confined Space (SE-CS) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge and skills to identify confined spaces. Learners will be familiarized with the roles and responsibilities of the confined space entry supervisor, attendant, and entrant. Additionally, learners will be informed of how to read a confined space work permit, how to identify potential hazards, and what to do in the case of an emergency.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Confined Spaces
  • • Roles and Responsibilities
  • • Work Permits
  • • Hazard Recognition
  • • Emergency Response

Confined Space

Dropped Objects [SE-DROP]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Dropped Objects (SE-DROP) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of conditions and hazards associated with dropped objects incidents and how to implement controls to eliminate or reduce these hazards. You will learn to recognize potential hazards and correct or prevent these by applying a few simple safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Dropped and Falling Objects
  • • Dropped Object Programs
  • • Prevention Methods

Dropped Objects

Electrical Safety [SE-ELEC]

Safety Essentials™ Electrical Safety (SE-ELEC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with a solid foundation for understanding the nature and recognition of electrical hazards and ways that unqualified workers can minimize the risk of electric shock or injury.

Topics covered:

  • • Understanding Electricity
  • • Qualified and Unqualified Persons
  • • Basic Electrical Safe Work Practices

Electrical Safety

Elevated Work [SE-ELW]

Safety Essentials™ Elevated Work (SE-ELW) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of safety while performing elevated work. Learners will be familiarized with potential fall hazards, safety systems, fall protection methods, and requirements.

Topics covered:

  • • Potential Fall Hazards
  • • Safety Systems
  • • Fall Protection Systems
  • • Ladders and Stairways
  • • Scaffolds

Elevated Work

Excavation Safety [SE-EXCA]

Safety Essentials Elements Excavation Safety (SE-EXCA) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on excavations. Learners will be familiarized with common excavation hazards including confined spaces and potential hazardous atmospheres, the importance of competent person inspections prior to entry, as well as soil classification and how protective systems protect workers.

Topics covered:

  • • Common Excavation Hazards
  • • Confined Spaces and Hazardous Atmospheres
  • • Competent Person Inspections
  • • Soil Classification
  • • Protective Systems

Excavation Safety

Fall Protection [SE-FALL]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Fall Protection (SE-FALL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and mitigate fall hazards in the workplace. By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify potential fall hazards, implement appropriate fall protection measures, and understand the importance of personal fall protection equipment. Additionally, learners will be familiarized with the importance of safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Fall Hazard Recognition
  • • Falling Object Protection
  • • Fall Protection Methods

Fall Protection

Fire Extinguisher Safety [SE-EXTS]

Safety Essentials Elements Fire Extinguisher Safety (SE-EXTS) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the safe use of fire extinguishers. Learners will be familiarized with the different types of fire extinguishers, classes of fire, extinguisher inspections, and the PASS method.

Topics covered:

  • • Risk Awareness and Assessment
  • • Fire Extinguisher Classes and Extinguishers
  • • Appropriate Extinguisher Selection
  • • Extinguisher Labels & Numbering System
  • • Proper Use
  • • Post Fire Procedures
  • • Inspections and Maintenance
  • • Location and Distance Accessibility
  • • Emergency Action Plan
  • • Annual Training Requirements

Fire Extinguisher Safety

Fire Watch [SE-FIRE]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Elements Fire Watch (SE-FIRE) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the responsibilities and importance of fire watch duties and the different fire properties and control methods. Additionally, learners will be informed of how to select and use an appropriate fire extinguisher.

Topics covered:

  • • Fire Watch Responsibilities and Duties
  • • Fire Conditions and Controls
  • • Fire Extinguisher Use

Fire Watch

Forklift Safety [SE-FORK]

Safety Essentials Elements Forklift Safety (SE-FORK) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs), namely forklifts. Learners will be familiarized with the different Classes of PITs and forklift components, the importance of inspections, labels and decals, and proper training. As well as load stability and travel, forklift hazards, and stop work authority responsibility.

Topics covered:

  • • Forklift Components
  • • Forklift Inspections
  • • Labels and Decals
  • • Load Stability and Travel
  • • Forklift Hazards

Forklift Safety

Hand & Portable Tool Safety [SE-HTOL]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hand and Portable Tool Safety (SE-HTOL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge of various hand and portable tools and safe work practices to eliminate or reduce hazards. By the end of the training, learners will understand the importance of using tools safely.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Tools
  • • Tool Inspection
  • • Personal Protective Equipment
  • • Hazard Recognition

Hand & Portable Tool Safety

Hazard Communication [SE-HAZC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hazard Communication (SE-HAZC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of hazard communication in the workplace. This training aims to educate learners on the hazard classification system, pictograms, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), and labeling requirements to ensure they can recognize and understand the hazards associated with chemicals and take necessary precautions for their safety.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of HazCom and GHS
  • • Hazard Classification
  • • Pictograms
  • • Safety Data Sheets
  • • Labeling

Hazard Communication

Hearing Conservation [SE-HEAR]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hearing Conservation (SE-HEAR) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge and skills to protect their hearing from the hazards and effects of noise. Learners will be familiarized with the basic components of sound and noise sources, as well as types of hearing protection to reduce noise levels. Additionally, learners will be informed of the process of audiometric testing and a hearing conservation program.

Topics covered:

  • • Sound versus Hearing
  • • Effects of Noise on Hearing
  • • Noise Sources
  • • Knowing the Risks and Warning Signs
  • • Reducing Exposure and Hearing Protection
  • • Hearing Conservation Program
  • • Audiometric Testing

Hearing Conservation

Heat Stress Awareness [SE-HEAT]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Heat Stress Awareness (SE-HEAT) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of heat stress factors, the Heat Index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature charts, heat-related illnesses, heat stress prevention, and heat stress emergencies. This course meets OSHA's guidelines for general awareness heat stress training.

Topics covered:

  • • Heat Stress Terminology
  • • Heat Stress Factors
  • • Heat Index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
  • • Heat Related Illness Signs and Symptoms
  • • Heat Stress Prevention and Emergency Response

Heat Stress Awareness

Heavy Equipment Operator [SE-HVEQ]

Safety Essentials Elements Heavy Equipment Operator (SE-HVEQ) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide heavy equipment operators with awareness-level training. Learners will be familiarized with common types of heavy equipment and the importance of spotters, pre-use inspections including the purpose of labels and decals, as well as general safety information regarding equipment operation.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Heavy Equipment
  • • Spotters
  • • Equipment Pre-Use Inspections
  • • Safety Labels and Decals
  • • Equipment Operation Safety

Heavy Equipment Operator

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness [SE-H2S]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness (SE-H2S) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify the risks associated with H2S, recognize the symptoms of exposure, and respond appropriately in emergency situations.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of H2S
  • • Properties of H2S
  • • Air Monitors
  • • Limits and Symptoms of Exposure
  • • Emergency and Rescue Procedures

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness

Ladder Safety [SE-LADD]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Ladder Safety (SE-LADD) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of assessing job needs and how to set up ladders for use. Your employer should provide hands-on training on how to inspect, set up, use, and store ladders when not in use.

Topics covered:

  • • Ladder Safety Rules
  • • Ladder Duty Ratings and Configurations
  • • Types of Ladders

Ladder Safety

Line of Fire [SE-LOF]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Line of Fire (SE-LOF) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize where Line of Fire hazards exist and how to implement controls to eliminate or reduce these hazards. By the end of the training, learners will be able to differentiate the types of Line of Fire hazards and will understand how to recognize these hazards under a variety of conditions.

Topics covered:

  • • Line of Fire Hazards
  • • Pre-Task Requirements
  • • Struck-By Hazards
  • • Struck-Against Hazards
  • • Caught-In or Caught-Between Hazards
  • • Released Energy Hazards

Line of Fire

Lockout/Tagout [SE-LOTO]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Lockout/Tagout (SE-LOTO) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of energy isolation. Learners will be familiarized with types of energy and the various lockout devices, including proper application methods and worker roles to achieve zero energy.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Hazardous Energy
  • • Authorized and Affected Employees
  • • Energy Isolating and Lockout Devices
  • • Trust But Verify - Try


Maritime Security [SE-MARSEC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Maritime Security Awareness (SE-MARSEC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to familiarize learners with maritime security and MARSEC Levels. Learners will be informed of Facility Security Plans and the importance of recognizing, preventing, and reporting security incidents.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction
  • • Maritime Security Levels
  • • Facility Security Plans
  • • Transportation Security Incidents
  • • Prevention
  • • Reporting Security Incidents

Maritime Security


Safety Essentials Elements NORM (SE-NORM) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). Learners will be familiarized with the different types of radiation and their health effects, the radioactive decay process, occupational exposure and monitoring, as well as work exposure prevention programs and waste handling.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction to NORM
  • • Radiation and its Effects
  • • Occupational Exposure & Monitoring
  • • Waste Handling & Disposal


Respiratory Protection [SE-RESP]

Safety Essentials™ Respiratory Protection (SE-RESP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of respiratory protection. Learners will be familiarized with respiratory protection requirements and their proper use and storage.

Topics covered:

  • • Understanding Contaminants and Hazards
  • • Regulations and Employer Responsibilities
  • • Respirator Types and Limitations
  • • Medical Evaluations and Fit-Testing
  • • Inspection, Care, and Storage of Respirators

Respiratory Protection

Scaffold User [SE-SCAF]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Scaffold User (SE-SCAF) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of scaffold construction, inspections, access, and fall protection requirements to become a Scaffold User only. Employers are required to complete additional training on scaffold procedures and assess your understanding of how to use them.

Topics covered:

  • • OSHA Competent and Qualified Persons
  • • Scaffold Inspection Tags
  • • Scaffold Design and Construction
  • • Guardrails and Fall Protection
  • • Hazard Recognition

Scaffold User

Silica [SE-SIL]

Safety Essentials Silica Awareness (SE-SIL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on crystalline silica exposure and how it may be encountered at the worksite. The course explains the health hazards of respirable silica dust exposure and control methods to mitigate or reduce exposure, including OSHA recommendations when working with specific tools. Employers can build on this training as part of a job-specific protection plan for crystalline silica.

Topics covered:

  • • The Basics of Silica
  • • Exposure
  • • Silica and Your Health
  • • Silica Protection


Spotter Safety [SE-SPOT]

Safety Essentials Elements Spotter Safety (SE-SPOT) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide spotters with awareness-level training. Learners will be familiarized with the roles and responsibilities of the spotter and operator; the different types of communication methods, including an in-depth look at hand signals; as well as potential hazards and the danger zones of common types of heavy equipment.

Topics covered:

  • • Spotter and Operator Roles and Responsibilities
  • • Communication Methods
  • • Potential Hazards and Danger Zones

Spotter Safety

Vehicle Safety [SE-VEH]

Safety Essentials Elements Vehicle Safety (SE-VEH) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on passenger vehicle safety. Learners will be familiarized with common driver behaviors, the importance of fitness for duty, pre-trip planning and inspection, techniques for safe vehicle operation, and incident reporting. This course is intended for passenger vehicles only.

Topics covered:

  • • Driver Behavior and Fitness for Duty
  • • Pre-Trip Planning and Inspection
  • • Vehicle Operation
  • • Incident Reporting

Vehicle Safety

Workplace Violence [SE-WPVP]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Workplace Violence Prevention (SE-WPVP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to potential workplace violence. By the end of this training, learners will be able to identify types of workplace violence, detect the warning signs, and understand the importance of reporting and their role in creating a safer work environment.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction
  • • Types of Workplace Violence
  • • Warning Signs
  • • Precautions and Prevention
  • • Workplace Violence Response

Workplace Violence

Asbestos Awareness [SE-ASBT]
Safety Essentials Asbestos Awareness Safety Essentials™ Elements Asbestos Awareness (SE-ASBT) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of asbestos hazards and safe work practices. By the end of the training, learners will understand the hazards of asbestos, how to avoid asbestos-containing materials, and the importance of proper handling and remediation. Additionally, learners will gain knowledge about asbestos-related diseases and the importance of exposure control programs to ensure their safety and the safety of others in the workplace. Topics covered:
  • • Overview of Asbestos
  • • Regulations and Terminology
  • • Asbestos Management and Exposure Control

Asbestos Awareness

Basic Gas Monitoring [SE-GAS]

Safety Essentials Basic Gas Monitoring (SE-BGM) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the purpose of multi-gas monitoring equipment, the importance of calibration, and proper equipment use. The course includes a discussion of chemical vapor density and the need to monitor air quality at each atmospheric level to ensure acceptable limits prior to human entry. Employers can build on this training with hands-on practice to familiarize learners with specific multi-gas units.

Topics covered:

  • • Atmospheric Hazards
  • • Sensors and Calibration
  • • Atmospheric Monitoring
  • • Cleaning and Storage

Basic Gas Monitoring

Basic Rigging [SE-RIG]

Safety Essentials Elements Basic Rigging (SE-RIG) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on basic concepts of safe lifting, including proper equipment, rigging configurations, hand signals, and safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Basic Concepts of Safe Lifting
  • • Sling Types and Inspections
  • • Hardware and Usage
  • • Configurations and Loads
  • • Types of Hitches
  • • Hand Signals
  • • Safety Tips

Basic Rigging

Benzene Awareness [SE-BENZ]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Benzene Awareness (SE-BENZ) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with benzene and equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent benzene exposure. By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify potential sources of benzene and understand benzene health risks. Additionally, learners will be familiarized with the importance of safe work practices in benzene-related environments.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of Benzene
  • • Hazards of Benzene
  • • Benzene Regulations and Precautions

Benzene Awareness

Bloodborne Pathogens [SE-BBP]

Safety Essentials Bloodborne Pathogens (SE-BBP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the dangers of bloodborne pathogens, areas with increased infection potential, and methods to prevent exposure.

Topics covered:

    • • Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
    • • Exposure Control
    • • The Pathogens
    • • Reporting and Vaccinations

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bottle Watch [SE-BWTC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Elements Bottle Watch (SE-BWTC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the responsibilities and importance of attendant duties and procedures. Learners will be familiarized with breathing air system designs and components, and be informed of how to perform equipment inspections.

Topics covered:

  • • Attendant Responsibilities
  • • System Design and Components
  • • Pre-use and Pressure Inspections
  • • Attendant Procedures

Bottle Watch

Cold Stress Awareness [SE-COLD]

Safety Essentials Cold Stress Awareness (SE-COLD) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on cold stress and how it can be prevented with proper preparedness. The course includes discussion of cold weather and environments and potential hazards when working with certain chemicals. Employers can build on this training with specific procedures relating to tasks that may put workers at risk of cold stress.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction to Cold Stress
  • • Heat Loss
  • • Cold Stress Illnesses
  • • Leading Factors
  • • Prevention and Control Methods

Cold Stress Awareness

Compressed Gas Cylinders [SE-CGCY]

Safety Essentials Elements Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (SE-CGCY) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the physical and chemical hazards you may encounter when working with or around compressed gas cylinders. Learners will be familiarized with the different components of a compressed gas system, inspections, and the safe transport and storage of cylinders.

Topics covered:

  • • Physical and Chemical Hazards
  • • Components and Inspection
  • • Handling and Storage

Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

Confined Space [SE-CS]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Confined Space (SE-CS) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge and skills to identify confined spaces. Learners will be familiarized with the roles and responsibilities of the confined space entry supervisor, attendant, and entrant. Additionally, learners will be informed of how to read a confined space work permit, how to identify potential hazards, and what to do in the case of an emergency.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Confined Spaces
  • • Roles and Responsibilities
  • • Work Permits
  • • Hazard Recognition
  • • Emergency Response

Confined Space

Dropped Objects [SE-DROP]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Dropped Objects (SE-DROP) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of conditions and hazards associated with dropped objects incidents and how to implement controls to eliminate or reduce these hazards. You will learn to recognize potential hazards and correct or prevent these by applying a few simple safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Dropped and Falling Objects
  • • Dropped Object Programs
  • • Prevention Methods

Dropped Objects

Electrical Safety [SE-ELEC]

Safety Essentials™ Electrical Safety (SE-ELEC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with a solid foundation for understanding the nature and recognition of electrical hazards and ways that unqualified workers can minimize the risk of electric shock or injury.

Topics covered:

  • • Understanding Electricity
  • • Qualified and Unqualified Persons
  • • Basic Electrical Safe Work Practices

Electrical Safety

Elevated Work [SE-ELW]

Safety Essentials™ Elevated Work (SE-ELW) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of safety while performing elevated work. Learners will be familiarized with potential fall hazards, safety systems, fall protection methods, and requirements.

Topics covered:

  • • Potential Fall Hazards
  • • Safety Systems
  • • Fall Protection Systems
  • • Ladders and Stairways
  • • Scaffolds

Elevated Work

Excavation Safety [SE-EXCA]

Safety Essentials Elements Excavation Safety (SE-EXCA) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on excavations. Learners will be familiarized with common excavation hazards including confined spaces and potential hazardous atmospheres, the importance of competent person inspections prior to entry, as well as soil classification and how protective systems protect workers.

Topics covered:

  • • Common Excavation Hazards
  • • Confined Spaces and Hazardous Atmospheres
  • • Competent Person Inspections
  • • Soil Classification
  • • Protective Systems

Excavation Safety

Fall Protection [SE-FALL]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Fall Protection (SE-FALL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and mitigate fall hazards in the workplace. By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify potential fall hazards, implement appropriate fall protection measures, and understand the importance of personal fall protection equipment. Additionally, learners will be familiarized with the importance of safe work practices.

Topics covered:

  • • Fall Hazard Recognition
  • • Falling Object Protection
  • • Fall Protection Methods

Fall Protection

Fire Extinguisher Safety [SE-EXTS]

Safety Essentials Elements Fire Extinguisher Safety (SE-EXTS) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on the safe use of fire extinguishers. Learners will be familiarized with the different types of fire extinguishers, classes of fire, extinguisher inspections, and the PASS method.

Topics covered:

  • • Risk Awareness and Assessment
  • • Fire Extinguisher Classes and Extinguishers
  • • Appropriate Extinguisher Selection
  • • Extinguisher Labels & Numbering System
  • • Proper Use
  • • Post Fire Procedures
  • • Inspections and Maintenance
  • • Location and Distance Accessibility
  • • Emergency Action Plan
  • • Annual Training Requirements

Fire Extinguisher Safety

Fire Watch [SE-FIRE]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Elements Fire Watch (SE-FIRE) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the responsibilities and importance of fire watch duties and the different fire properties and control methods. Additionally, learners will be informed of how to select and use an appropriate fire extinguisher.

Topics covered:

  • • Fire Watch Responsibilities and Duties
  • • Fire Conditions and Controls
  • • Fire Extinguisher Use

Fire Watch

Forklift Safety [SE-FORK]

Safety Essentials Elements Forklift Safety (SE-FORK) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs), namely forklifts. Learners will be familiarized with the different Classes of PITs and forklift components, the importance of inspections, labels and decals, and proper training. As well as load stability and travel, forklift hazards, and stop work authority responsibility.

Topics covered:

  • • Forklift Components
  • • Forklift Inspections
  • • Labels and Decals
  • • Load Stability and Travel
  • • Forklift Hazards

Forklift Safety

Hand & Portable Tool Safety [SE-HTOL]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hand and Portable Tool Safety (SE-HTOL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge of various hand and portable tools and safe work practices to eliminate or reduce hazards. By the end of the training, learners will understand the importance of using tools safely.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Tools
  • • Tool Inspection
  • • Personal Protective Equipment
  • • Hazard Recognition

Hand & Portable Tool Safety

Hazard Communication [SE-HAZC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hazard Communication (SE-HAZC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of hazard communication in the workplace. This training aims to educate learners on the hazard classification system, pictograms, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), and labeling requirements to ensure they can recognize and understand the hazards associated with chemicals and take necessary precautions for their safety.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of HazCom and GHS
  • • Hazard Classification
  • • Pictograms
  • • Safety Data Sheets
  • • Labeling

Hazard Communication

Hearing Conservation [SE-HEAR]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hearing Conservation (SE-HEAR) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with knowledge and skills to protect their hearing from the hazards and effects of noise. Learners will be familiarized with the basic components of sound and noise sources, as well as types of hearing protection to reduce noise levels. Additionally, learners will be informed of the process of audiometric testing and a hearing conservation program.

Topics covered:

  • • Sound versus Hearing
  • • Effects of Noise on Hearing
  • • Noise Sources
  • • Knowing the Risks and Warning Signs
  • • Reducing Exposure and Hearing Protection
  • • Hearing Conservation Program
  • • Audiometric Testing

Hearing Conservation

Heat Stress Awareness [SE-HEAT]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Heat Stress Awareness (SE-HEAT) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of heat stress factors, the Heat Index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature charts, heat-related illnesses, heat stress prevention, and heat stress emergencies. This course meets OSHA's guidelines for general awareness heat stress training.

Topics covered:

  • • Heat Stress Terminology
  • • Heat Stress Factors
  • • Heat Index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
  • • Heat Related Illness Signs and Symptoms
  • • Heat Stress Prevention and Emergency Response

Heat Stress Awareness

Heavy Equipment Operator [SE-HVEQ]

Safety Essentials Elements Heavy Equipment Operator (SE-HVEQ) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide heavy equipment operators with awareness-level training. Learners will be familiarized with common types of heavy equipment and the importance of spotters, pre-use inspections including the purpose of labels and decals, as well as general safety information regarding equipment operation.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Heavy Equipment
  • • Spotters
  • • Equipment Pre-Use Inspections
  • • Safety Labels and Decals
  • • Equipment Operation Safety

Heavy Equipment Operator

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness [SE-H2S]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness (SE-H2S) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). By the end of the training, learners will be able to identify the risks associated with H2S, recognize the symptoms of exposure, and respond appropriately in emergency situations.

Topics covered:

  • • Overview of H2S
  • • Properties of H2S
  • • Air Monitors
  • • Limits and Symptoms of Exposure
  • • Emergency and Rescue Procedures

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness

Ladder Safety [SE-LADD]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Ladder Safety (SE-LADD) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of assessing job needs and how to set up ladders for use. Your employer should provide hands-on training on how to inspect, set up, use, and store ladders when not in use.

Topics covered:

  • • Ladder Safety Rules
  • • Ladder Duty Ratings and Configurations
  • • Types of Ladders

Ladder Safety

Line of Fire [SE-LOF]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Line of Fire (SE-LOF) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize where Line of Fire hazards exist and how to implement controls to eliminate or reduce these hazards. By the end of the training, learners will be able to differentiate the types of Line of Fire hazards and will understand how to recognize these hazards under a variety of conditions.

Topics covered:

  • • Line of Fire Hazards
  • • Pre-Task Requirements
  • • Struck-By Hazards
  • • Struck-Against Hazards
  • • Caught-In or Caught-Between Hazards
  • • Released Energy Hazards

Line of Fire

Lockout/Tagout [SE-LOTO]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Lockout/Tagout (SE-LOTO) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of energy isolation. Learners will be familiarized with types of energy and the various lockout devices, including proper application methods and worker roles to achieve zero energy.

Topics covered:

  • • Types of Hazardous Energy
  • • Authorized and Affected Employees
  • • Energy Isolating and Lockout Devices
  • • Trust But Verify - Try


Maritime Security [SE-MARSEC]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Maritime Security Awareness (SE-MARSEC) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to familiarize learners with maritime security and MARSEC Levels. Learners will be informed of Facility Security Plans and the importance of recognizing, preventing, and reporting security incidents.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction
  • • Maritime Security Levels
  • • Facility Security Plans
  • • Transportation Security Incidents
  • • Prevention
  • • Reporting Security Incidents

Maritime Security


Safety Essentials Elements NORM (SE-NORM) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). Learners will be familiarized with the different types of radiation and their health effects, the radioactive decay process, occupational exposure and monitoring, as well as work exposure prevention programs and waste handling.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction to NORM
  • • Radiation and its Effects
  • • Occupational Exposure & Monitoring
  • • Waste Handling & Disposal


Respiratory Protection [SE-RESP]

Safety Essentials™ Respiratory Protection (SE-RESP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to inform learners of the importance of respiratory protection. Learners will be familiarized with respiratory protection requirements and their proper use and storage.

Topics covered:

  • • Understanding Contaminants and Hazards
  • • Regulations and Employer Responsibilities
  • • Respirator Types and Limitations
  • • Medical Evaluations and Fit-Testing
  • • Inspection, Care, and Storage of Respirators

Respiratory Protection

Scaffold User [SE-SCAF]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Scaffold User (SE-SCAF) is part of the Safety Essentials™ Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide a basic understanding of scaffold construction, inspections, access, and fall protection requirements to become a Scaffold User only. Employers are required to complete additional training on scaffold procedures and assess your understanding of how to use them.

Topics covered:

  • • OSHA Competent and Qualified Persons
  • • Scaffold Inspection Tags
  • • Scaffold Design and Construction
  • • Guardrails and Fall Protection
  • • Hazard Recognition

Scaffold User

Silica [SE-SIL]

Safety Essentials Silica Awareness (SE-SIL) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on crystalline silica exposure and how it may be encountered at the worksite. The course explains the health hazards of respirable silica dust exposure and control methods to mitigate or reduce exposure, including OSHA recommendations when working with specific tools. Employers can build on this training as part of a job-specific protection plan for crystalline silica.

Topics covered:

  • • The Basics of Silica
  • • Exposure
  • • Silica and Your Health
  • • Silica Protection


Spotter Safety [SE-SPOT]

Safety Essentials Elements Spotter Safety (SE-SPOT) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide spotters with awareness-level training. Learners will be familiarized with the roles and responsibilities of the spotter and operator; the different types of communication methods, including an in-depth look at hand signals; as well as potential hazards and the danger zones of common types of heavy equipment.

Topics covered:

  • • Spotter and Operator Roles and Responsibilities
  • • Communication Methods
  • • Potential Hazards and Danger Zones

Spotter Safety

Vehicle Safety [SE-VEH]

Safety Essentials Elements Vehicle Safety (SE-VEH) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide awareness-level training on passenger vehicle safety. Learners will be familiarized with common driver behaviors, the importance of fitness for duty, pre-trip planning and inspection, techniques for safe vehicle operation, and incident reporting. This course is intended for passenger vehicles only.

Topics covered:

  • • Driver Behavior and Fitness for Duty
  • • Pre-Trip Planning and Inspection
  • • Vehicle Operation
  • • Incident Reporting

Vehicle Safety

Workplace Violence [SE-WPVP]

Safety Essentials™ Elements Workplace Violence Prevention (SE-WPVP) is part of the Safety Essentials Suite. This training uses adult learning theories and engaging curriculum to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to potential workplace violence. By the end of this training, learners will be able to identify types of workplace violence, detect the warning signs, and understand the importance of reporting and their role in creating a safer work environment.

Topics covered:

  • • Introduction
  • • Types of Workplace Violence
  • • Warning Signs
  • • Precautions and Prevention
  • • Workplace Violence Response

Workplace Violence